Thursday, November 7, 2019

US History Essay Example

US History Essay Example US History Paper US History Paper 1781 at this battle Battle of Yorktown The war officially ends with the______. Treaty of Paris 1783. The ____ ar the first set of plans for a national government system ratified in 1781 Articles of Confederation. ___ led a group of men in a rebellion (because of taxes) called Shays Rebellion. Daniel Shay In 1791 , states ratify the ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights What re the 3 qualifications to become a US President? 35 years of age,natural born citizen,lived in US for 14 years How many terms years may a US President serve in a life time? Terms 2, years -4, total 8 years How long is the term for a senator and house of representative? senator 6 years, hose 2 years If a US President is charged with impeachment what role does the House,Senate and the supreme court plain the the decision? the house brings charges against the president. the senate acts as the jury supreme court the chief justice of the supreme court presides over hearings What house can introduce a bill? both houses if the presdent vetoes a bill what is he saying? no if the president vetoes a bill and congress thiks the bill should pass what must congress do in order to get it passed into a law? discuss the bill and take another vote, if passed by 2/3 of conress the bill becomes a law name the 5 rights contained in amendment 1 of the bill of rights The Bill of Rights Freedom of -religion,speech,press,assembly,petition

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